For our membership possibilities, see the “Tarieven“-page. A free trial lesson is always possible.
This page contains a summary and explanation of the information that can be found in Dutch on this website. If you click on the links below you will be referred to the Dutch pages of our website. See below for a list of Dutch words.
Goederaad Sport, formerly known as Sportinstituut Goederaad, is a sports centre that has been well known in Voorschoten for seventy years. Its owner, Percy Rüben, offers you the following classes:
- Conditietraining: a mixture of exercises on music to improve your endurance, flexibility, muscle power and body posture.
- Aerobics: more intensive than ‘Conditietraining’ and with more emphasis on rhythmic movement.
- Judo: Japanese martial arts class by Sensei Percy (4th Dan) in which both youth and adults learn to make throws, holds and other techniques. Furthermore, attention is paid to treating each other in a respectful manner.
- Kickboksen: kickboxing classes for youth and adults.
- Taijiquan: sport based on ancient Chinese martial arts. Taijiquan is good for body and mind. It can have a positive effect on a variety of problems like rheumatic complaints, blood pressure, heart problems and stress.
- Taekwon-Do: Korean martial arts class by Master Marco (7th Dan) comparable to Japanese Karate.
- Seniorengym: exercises for senior citizens or others who prefer to exercise on a less intensive level. Seniorengym is a 45-minutes work-out in which all muscles and joints will be trained and your body condition improved.
- 60FIT-yoga: 60FIT-yoga is yoga for senior citizens, sometimes using a chair. Yoga improves your strength, flexibility, posture and mental balance.
If you click on the tab “Groepslessen” you will find the time-tables for the various classes (see: Lesrooster) as well as information on e.g. subscription fees, enrolment and cancellation. In the next paragraphs, you can read a short summary.
Subscription fees. There are two sorts of subscriptions: monthly subscriptions and ‘stamp’ cards (rittenkaarten). Payment of the monthly subscription is through automatic collection from your bank account. The stamp cards can be purchased online on this website. Stamp cards have a limited number of credits and a limited validity. For example: a 14-rittenkaart/14-goes stamp card has fourteen credits and is valid for eighteen weeks. There is no enrolment fee and a free trial lesson is always possible. Payment can be done in cash or by bank/Ideal. Our bankaccount is: NL59 INGB 000 598 43 43 in the name of Goederaad Sport.
Enrolment. Enrolment is possible through the blue button “Inschrijven” on top of this page. The subscription term is a minimum of three months.
Cancellation. Cancellation is only possible in writing, namely by email or letter.
Holidays. There are no classes during the Christmas Holidays. In July and August there is an adapted time-table: the classes are limited to Tuesday mornings and evenings during six of a total of eight holiday-weeks.
Privacy. Your privacy is very important to us. We meet the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, in Dutch AVG). Here you can find our Privacy Statement in Dutch:
Here you can find our Terms & Conditions in English:
Kennismakingscursus. We offer a try-out course in Judo for kids, consisting of eight consecutive lessons for € 32,-. The 8-goes stamp card (‘8-rittenkaart’) can be bought online and is valid for ten weeks.
Puntencompetitie. Each season there is a series of four or five judomatches. This year we participate in the Puntencompetitie that is organized by Chikara Sport in Bodegraven.
Vakantierooster. The Holiday schedule for the youth classes is nearly the same as the Holiday schedule of the Primary Schools.
Percy Rüben collects money for Orphanage Don Bosco in Surabaya in Indonesia since 1990. The reason he has chosen to support this charity is because his father stayed in this orphanage when he was young. This charity project has merged with the Pertolongan Foundation in 2014.
If you have any questions please send an email (in English) to
A few Dutch words to help you understand our website (in alphabetical order):
- Abonnement = subscription
- Beginners = beginners
- Dag = day
- Dames = women
- Dinsdag = Tuesday
- Gemengd = mixed
- Gevorderden = advanced
- Groepslessen = group classes
- Heren = men
- Inschrijving = enrolment
- Jeugd = youth (up to and including 14 years old)
- Kennismakingscursus = try-out course
- Kleuterjudo = judo for toddlers (4 and 5 years old)
- Les = lesson
- Lesrooster = time-table
- Maandag = Monday
- Donderdag = Thursday
- Opzegging = cancellation
- Rittenkaart = ‘stamp’ card; this is a card with a limited number of credits and a limited validity, so e.g. an 8-rittenkaart/8-goes stamp card has eight credits and is valid for ten weeks
- Senioren = senior citizens
- Tarieven = subscription fees
- Tijd = time
- Vakantierooster = Holiday schedule
- Volwassenen = adults (15 years and older)
- Vrijdag = Friday
- Weeshuis = orphanage
- Woensdag = Wednesday
- Zaterdag = Saturday